
What is your passion? What is your dream? What is it within you that you are so comfortably certain about that you would abandon the logic of your mind, put your complete trust in God and the Universe, and follow your heart because it just feels right?

Trust doesn’t just happen, you know. Trust is like Love. It’s a verb. Trust is something that you do. No one can convince you, convert you, or persuade you to trust. When your heart is ready, trust is there like a bright sun shining a beam of light into the darkest recesses of your heart. You are exposed, revealed, and vulnerable.  And you don’t even care.

Trust opens the door to your heart, but you are the one who must walk through it in order to claim your rightful abundance. So, what are you waiting for?

It’s Never Too Late to Be Great! ®

Image courtesy of Joel Harts,  Adventure Pilot

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